
How To Build a LIFE-CHANGING Men's Ministry by Steve Sonderman

 Somehow, in today's culture, the man of the house (single or married) seems to be the most forgotten and displaced person.  So, when Steve Sonderman's book "How To Build A LIFE-CHANGING Men's Ministry" was given to me to review by Bethany House I gladly read his suggestions (and passed the book on to my pastor husband).  Steve Sonderman is  a seasoned pastor so his suggestions and views are not just because he "feels this or that" but he can honestly tell us how to encourage and better our churches to include men because he has been through the trenches. This book has a lot of practical ideas and Steve even gives schedules that one can use when starting a men's group.  Incorporating men into our churches is much needed.  Our young boys and teenagers need the guidance and support of godly men in the church.   I would say this isn't necessarily a book for women but it's a "man's man" book.  My pastor husband was encouraged by this book and will incorporate some of Steve's ideas.  This is a great resource for both pastors and men in leadership.

Buy at Amazon :)  How To Build A Life Changing Men's Ministry  

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I might get this book for my husband and pastor to look at. My pastor recently started a men's meeting group that meet once a month at one of our church member's conference room at his business. My husband and 16yr old son go. My husband takes my son so he can be around Godly men. We wanted him to see strong men can love God too.
