
Chloe May Daughter of the Dust Bowl

In Loving Memory:

Chloe May was my maternal grandmother's name.  She loved to roam and travel but most of all she loved her family.  She was fiercely independent and with a little gas in her Ford Falcon tank she could travel for miles not necessarily for a purpose but just because she loved being on the road.  
  When she passed away in the early part of February 1997 my mother remembered the stories and notes that my grandmother had left behind.  Being a prolific writer my mother knew that she needed to tell the story of my grandmother's life which just happen to take place during the Dust Bowl.  
Chloe May Daughter of the Dust Bowl is not a biography it is a fiction story based on the life of a real family during the Dust Bowl.
   Little is written on the devastation or on the lives that were affected by the Dust Bowl.  This book gives history and description of the fateful time in our history.
  So, if you're a history buff or just plain love to read fiction....this is a great book for you.  "Chloe May Daughter of the Dust Bowl" can be ordered from  You won't be disappointed in this book but do make sure that you set time aside to read for once you begin you'll want to finish!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this book very much and bought a copy for my mother. I would recommend it to those who like to read books of children growihg up in times past. It gives insight to how it was to grow up in times we only read about in history books.

    It is an easy read and keeps your interest.
