
Readers Make Leaders

I've been thinking about a quote I've heard quite often, "Readers Make Leaders."  I've thought about this quote and it was always just that- a quote.  But the other day I had one of those "light bulb moments" and realized that readers do make leaders.  Why?  When one reads your imagination expands, you dream, you take in all the sights, smells and wonder of the words you're reading.  Ever watch TV and wonder what you just watched?  I can't remember TV shows from my childhood but I do remember books.  One of my favorite books that I received from my Aunt Nancy when I was about nine years old was 'Mr. Tweety'.  This book has a plain brown cover and doesn't look exciting just by looking at the cover.  However, when I opened the book and began reading I was lost in the adventure of a bird and a lady.  This story remained with me all these years and when my son was about seven I ordered the book from Amazon.  I want him to have good memories of great books that go with him through adulthood.  Yes, movies are fun and exciting!  But when was the last time you read a book that took you beyond your white picket fences?  And made you think?  Remember a book from your childhood?  Share your adventure with us.

*Mr. Tweety 

This is a very simple but lovely true story about a rescued robin that makes his home with a mother and her two children. They drive across the U.S. and have  adventures with people and a bird.

1 comment:

  1. When we would go to my Grandma's house when I was little, we would go down into in the basement and drag out her pile of children's books and read them over and over. One of the books was about a girl and her doll. For years I searched for a copy of that book. All I knew about it was one of the two was named Elizabeth and the other was named Susan. I finally found the book last year on a used book website. The book is called Elizabeth and her doll Susan by Lilly Mosheim. It's a simple story about a girl and her day with her doll. I love the illustrations as much as the story.
