My Review: This is a great little book to have on hand for Bible readings or Bible studies. The size of the book is just right to put in your Bible cover or carry in your purse.
Each page has the Book of the Bible then the Author of that book, the date of that particular book of the Bible.
This is the best part --- the author gives you a synopsis of the book in ten words or less.
Then there's one quote from that book of the Bible that the author though summed up the whole book.
There's an unique and unusual sentence or two about the book of the Bible being studied.
And lastly there's a neat "So What?" So what is important about this book or so what if ...
I found this small book to be very informative and useful. It's also inexpensive so would make a great book to give a new Christian or to put in a Christmas stocking.
Just a word of caution---this is not a concordance nor could it take the place of a concordance. It's just a book with short information about each book of the Bible.
A found this to be a fantastic 5 star asset for anyone who loves the Bible and wants or needs a quick reference to a particular book of the Bible!
*I reviewed this book for Reader's*
Went to Amazon and took advantage of their Look Inside This Book sampling of the book. It looks interesting and a good resource for someone's Bible Library. Am planning on purchasing it and a few extra's for gifts.